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Interview with B. R. Stranges, author of Farrah in Fairyland

Tell us about your new book

Farrah in Fairylandis an epic Young Adult Fantasy that follows the adventures a young wannabe Tooth Fairy named Farrah Fancycracker. 14-year old Farrah Fancycracker hates her life. Although she lives in Fairyland, the most wondrous place in the universe, her talents have been wasted. As a small-winged Ordinaria fairy, she is not permitted to practice the Pixie Arts to become a Tooth Fairy. Only the Superiora, the so-called ‘elite,’ big-winged fairies are allowed to explore the full extent of their powers at the Pixie Academy. Everything changes after a vicious attack from the Cornuto creatures. With Fairyland at the brink of extinction, the Fairy Queen calls upon all fairies, both Ordinaria and Superiora alike. Having unexpectedly discovered that she is in fact a Tuttatti fairy, the most powerful fairy in Fairyland, the fate of the land now rests in the hands of Farrah. Will Farrah seize this opportunity to show Fairyland just how powerful she really is?

What genre is it?

YA Fiction (Fantasy)

What kind of readers will it appeal to?

This book is perfect for teenagers. Young Adults will be able to relate with Farrah Fancycracker as she wades through the trials and tribulations of high school. Farrah’s school of course is the Pixie Academy where the Fairies of Fairyland attend.

How long did it take to write?

This is a work that has taken over three years from start to finish. It was a wild ride at times, but I am very pleased with the end result.

What was the most challenging part of your creative process?

With all of the novels that I have written or am in the process of writing (5 books in total) I get to a point where the re-writing and the editing becomes an obsession. I often spend nights thinking about re-wording or reworking sections of a novel. There comes a point where I have to make the decision to just let go and pass it over to my editor. Although a writer is never 100% satisfied, there comes a point where they have to say, I’ve done the best that I can. Luckily my editor, Frankie Sutton is fantastic. She is a whiz with words and is very attentive. She definitely makes my novels better.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I have been an elementary school teacher for 10 years. Early on in my career I discovered that vivid storytelling is an excellent way to engage my students. Whether it is math science or language arts, when I can paint a picture with words to go along with the material, my students are hooked. I also love to bring other elements of pop-culture into the classroom. It keeps things fun and entertaining. I think that being surrounded by young mind helps to keep me young. I fashion myself a big kid at heart, which allows me to relate to my students. This has helped to drive the novels that I write. On top of this I am addicted to documentaries, weird movies and everything on the web that is unusual. This has allowed for me to explore my inner-weirdness and it shows with my two upcoming novels – Paulie Potatoes that follows a group of gangsters with superpowers and Zombie Gang, where the main characters are half human / half zombie.

Have you got a blog where readers can keep up with your work?

Yes. Ebooks for kids who don’t like to read by B. R. Stranges and friends.

Where can people buy your book?

On Amazon.

What’s next?

As I’ve mentioned, Paulie Potatoes is next on tap. This should be out this fall. It is currently in the editing stage and the cover is being designed by Deer Watson Media. Paulie Potatoes is a YA SCI-FI novel that is set in an apocalyptic world. After the most recent Word War, Earth has been decimated beyond repair. The story follows a group of survivors, but as the title suggests, they are not human.

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