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Interview with Bev Goodman, author of Woodfield, a gated community

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Tell us about Woodfield, a gated community

An inspirational humorous novel created to reach every day people about their every day issues. Sometimes it is those of us who are the most unlikely to conquer a situation who actually do, and who inspire the heck out of us! A story which reveals how the pain we feel is caused by how we see things rather than by the situation itself. The protagonist Ashley Loveit prompts you not to just think about your life but to ‘re-think’ it. And it all begins with a pair of blue shoes…

Okay, you’ve intrigued us. But what’s the story?
Thirty something Ashley Loveit is absorbed in what she believes to be her ‘perfect’ life behind the gates of a ‘perfect’ suburban gated community. One day she places an online order for a new pair of Gucci open toe high heeled platform sandals. What she doesn’t know is her order is about to change the rest of her life.

As her balloon is pierced prick by prick Ashley splats, splutters, and spews her way through a reality she never anticipated. One morphed with philandering husbands, depositions, courtroom brawls, mental breakdowns, and friends holding life-long secrets.

It is betwixt and between her mess and by sheer serendipity she becomes awestruck by the calm powerful wisdom of Lily White, an unlikely friend. Through Ashley’s association with Lily a hidden hero emerges, one hidden way way way down, beneath the layers. And, while Ashley is the most unlikely person to become anyone’s hero or model for life, as she begins to emerge she simultaneously opens pockets in your own heart as she re-aligns her life into one much more authentic.

What genre is it?
Inspirational/Chick Lit/Drama.

What kind of readers will it appeal to?
Moms, housewives, those divorced or going through a divorce, metro males, depressed women, those who love humor, vacationers looking for an uplifting inspiring light book, 35 – 65 year olds.

How long did it take to write?
I am rather embarrassed to say this – but truly a couple of weeks. The story just poured out of me. The build up behind its creation is interesting though: I met a friend for coffee one day who is also a writer. She writes teen novels and I was (and still am) writing teen non-fiction. During a momentum of laughter we decided we would write a book together. And so, it was settled, I would write the first chapter, give it to her and she would write the next one and we would continue back and forth until the book was completed. A few days later I woke up early and a story began to form in my head. I then got up sat at the computer and began to write. Suddenly the whole story lay out in front of me and I couldn’t stop. I spoke with my friend, “I know exactly how this story needs to be and how to end it.” “Then you have to finish it, we can always write another one together,” was her gracious response. And I did. I sat glued to the chair for 2 weeks and completed the novel. Strange but true. We still plan on writing another one together. Maybe a follow up…

So are your friend’s chapters still in the book or did you rewrite the whole thing?
Oops, maybe I wasn’t too clear here. There are no chapters from my friend in my book. It is all me. We were meant to write it together. But in the end I ran with it all the way.

Oh okay, now we get it. Two weeks is really impressive, though. What was the most challenging part of your creative process?
Not sure there was one honestly. I think probably being addicted to writing it! It is not easy balancing a life as a homemaker and being addicted to your creative work. You begin to wonder exactly what planet you are living on – the one belonging to Ashley Loveit and her drama or your earthly life and its own drama!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, I have always loved chick lit. It is light and uplifting. However, I am a little tired of the same old, same old theme of “love,” finding love, my first love, and trying to choose the ‘right’ love partner stories. I enjoy to enlighten people, it is who I am naturally. I also like to inform people of information out there they are often unaware of in a disguised fashion, in this case humor. So, it seems logical the story which poured out of me was one of: ‘Oh, my first love which I thought would last forever dies, and now what do I do?’

On the human plain, I have two undergraduate psych degrees and a post graduate law degree. A few years ago I chose to surrender my overstressed private practice and return home to raise my two girls. Yes, it was a great sacrifice going from a big salary down to nothing but these years at home have been my fullest, and happiest, and the years where I feel I have grown and achieved the most. Then someone close to me passed away and I began to search for a deeper meaning in life (raising two girls with emerging female hormones was not enough!).

And I did find it. I found inner peace, joy, and contentment I longed to share with the world. At first it began on a one-on-one level – inspiring and coaching those who felt like the bottom had fallen out of their lives. Then my desire to inspire grew. I guess this book is a morphing together of my practical legal and everyday life as a lawyer with a deeper, purer spiritual life as a human being.

Life is a journey (as if that comment hasn’t been overused!). One of the biggest decisions I made was deciding to get on the train. Where it was going didn’t really matter. And I still don’t know where it’s going!

Have you got a blog where readers can keep up with your work?
No blog as yet. I do have a twitter account: @BevGoodmanAuth. And I am on Facebook:

Where can we buy your book?
Amazon ( US, UK). Barnes and Noble.

What’s next?
Right now I am writing a more serious but hugely inspirational non-fiction teen/young adult book. This one I have been researching and writing for about 7 years. It is to be released in a few months. The graphics are creating a sweat for me! But I will get there, no doubt. I think once young people read this they will ‘never’ look at the meaning of ‘love and hate’ in the same way again – guaranteed! (oops does anyone guarantee in this day and age… ever?!)

I also, have a teen/young adult fiction book in the works – several years in the making. A story about a young girl who is adopted and through her pain of feeling different in the world finds herself and goes on to help others in the world.

Also, toyed with the idea of a follow up to this one – Woodfield, a gated community the drama continues. Who knows?…

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