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Interview with Bernard L. Dillard, author of Lemonade


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Tell us about Lemonade.
Lemonade: Inspired by Actual Events, Dillard’s memoir. In it, I share the story behind my success. Through candor, vulnerability, and a tinge of wit, describing how I overcame my own sense of adversity. Although I held many of these details close to the vest over the years, I now expose past wounds in my own life with the hopes of encouraging others to succeed despite their own feelings of injury and loss.

Written in the style of the novel, Lemonade is anything but fiction. It is simply a tale of triumph and unmasks what happens when one learns how to win with the hand of life that is dealt.

What kind of readers is it aimed at?
Young adults.

How would you like the reader to feel as they read the last word of your book?
Although a certain shame initially may come with talking about such issues, true healing and recovery lie in the bravery of those who have survived such setbacks and who muster the strength to talk about it, thus encouraging others

Just who is Bernard L Dillard?
Hailing from Durham, North Carolina, Bernard L. Dillard is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Fashion Institute of Technology. There, he teaches several upper-level courses, including Statistical Analysis and The Mathematics of Personal Finance. He is committed to sharing his story of survival and believes his story will serve as a catalyst to engender discussion and remedy concerning such a widespread dilemma. Currently, he is single and resides in the Bronx.

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What’s next?
Even though many children experience hardships, life continues to march on, there remains a sense of arrested development in the lives of so many young adults as they wade through the waters of life, often falling prey to the same cycles of absent fatherhood when they have their own children I want to inspire them through motivational speech.

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