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Interview with Adam Oster, author of The Legend of Buddy Hero


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The Legend of Buddy Hero: intriguing title – what’s it about?
Quite simply, it’s an homage to comic books.  It takes many of the medium’s cliches and turns them into something new and different.  Here’s the back cover info to make it simple:

Buddy Jackson is the world’s greatest superhero. He just doesn’t know it.

He’s unemployed, a drunk, and has a tendency to go weeks without showering; yet Buddy Jackson may be the only person capable of saving the world from total destruction.

Once convinced to leave the comfort of his barstool, Buddy battles tentacled bug-monsters, finds himself on the run from shadowy government officials, and teams up with a super-powered mafia. This adventure leads him to a final confrontation with his past self’s arch nemesis, the evil minister who goes by the name of Dominion. He is hell-bent on destroying Buddy and the world which loved him. The last time this superhero and supervillain crossed paths, the entire course of history was forever changed.

Buddy is now left with two options, live up to the legend he supposedly created and once again don the bright-green spandex, or allow the damnation of all mankind.

What genre would you describe it as?
Science Fiction, you know, since it has people with super powers and such.  It could also be considered Fantasy for the same reason.  I like to consider it an adventure story, with a bit of a coming of age flair, for the 30-somethings out there.

So that’s the target demographic?
The book was written with the 20-30 male mindset in mind, trying to harken back to childhood days of reading, but bringing those characters into an older state of mind.  Yet, there’s really something for most readers to get out of this.  Some of my most excited readers so far have been mid-20s females.  I think they like seeing the redemption of this character that has so little in him to be redeemed.

That reminds us of a Will Smith movie, but we’ve totally forgotten what it was called. Where did your inspiration come from?
Superman, Spiderman, The X-Men, The Justice League.  This book really does shoot for hitting those folks who have a deepset love for the superhero.

Have you written any other books that we should read next?
I have no other books available for purchase at the moment, but I have a couple nearing the end of the pipeline.  My next book, THE AGORA FILES, should be coming out in early August (2013).

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m married with two kids, barely keeping up with how much running around a man with two kids is required to do.  I love those little punks to death and can’t imagine a better part of the day than when I get to sit down and read my favorite books to them. 

I live in Eau Claire, WI and am currently anxiously awaiting the end of this never-ending winter.

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?
I sure do. is where I house all the information regarding upcoming releases and whatever other thoughts I may have at the moment.

Do you use anything more immediate, like social media?
I’m currently avoiding Twitter and Facebook like the plague.  I’m being told I will need to be infected shortly.

What’s next?
As I mentioned above, the next book coming out is titled THE AGORA FILES.  Quite simply, it’s about a kid who delivers goods for the black market.  Only thing is, he finds himself in the middle of a resistance movement working against an oppressive government.  Along the way he meets a fellow employee of this black market organization who just so happens to be a female.  It’s a young-adult science-fiction adventure book with quite possibly the most awkward love story ever written.

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