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Interview with David Lundgren, author of Melforger


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Melforger is set in a gigantic forest where the villagers there live on a natural canopy hundreds of feet above the actual forest floor. Raf, a sixteen year old about to finish school and go on the traditional sojourn, realizes that he has an ability to do bizarre and powerful things with music. But before he can explore its full potential, things fall apart in his forest home: rumors reach them of a group of violent invaders, accompanied by a man who can seemingly kill with the slightest of touches. A greater threat rears its head, however, when the forest is suddenly ravaged by a strange disease that eats away at the very ground they live on. Raf finds himself whisked away on a dangerous journey into the desert with some unexpected strangers, knowing that a cure must be found for the disease before he loses everything – and everyone – he loves.

What genre is it?
Young Adult Fantasy. A magic-music fusion.

What kind of readers will it appeal to?
Readers who enjoy magic, music, camping, zip-trekking and anyone who has my fascination for trees.

Tell us a bit more about Raf.
Raf, a sixteen year old, is the son of two village Council members, and so rather spoilt and used to a life of privilege. He’s very shy and a decent enough kid, but to be honest, he’s rather lazy and grumbly and directionless. Almost immediately, the story throws him onto a path where he has to learn to grow pretty quickly and deal with both the terrifying events happening around him (and often TO him) as well as come to terms with his magical talent and the responsibility it enforces on him.

Complete this sentence for us: if you like _________________, you’ll love my book.
fantasy that’s a different, refreshing take on the standard formulas and a setting that will leave you wanting to immediately head to the redwoods

What does Melforger mean?
Melforger is made of two words: ‘forger’ – someone who makes or crafts things, and ‘mel’ – the old word for ‘music’.

This is the start of a series, right?
Book 2 of The Melforger Chronicles, ‘Disharmony‘, continues the adventure and follows Raf directly on from the end of Book 1.

Is there going to be a third book?
Book 3 is being attacked at this very moment. It follows on directly from Book 2 and will conclude the trilogy with fireworks and drama, and more twists and spicy turns than a bowl of spaghetti.  That’s the plan, anyway.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’ve loved music my whole life; was a teacher for many years in three different countries; grew up in Zimbabwe (some of us were born lucky, I guess); swam with stingrays in the Caribbean (luck still abounding); love sudoku and crosswords; and was most recently charged by a hippo while canoeing back home. There’s magic in life if you look for it.

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?

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