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Interview with Henry J Olsen, author of The Northland Chronicles: A Stranger North


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The Northland Chronicles: A Stranger North is the first installment of a new series set in the year 2036, nine years after an event known as the Desolation wiped out nearly all of humanity.

The book focuses on a small village in northern Minnesota, where we see how the people struggle to survive in the wilderness, as well as what happens when new powers rise and try to assert their dominance over the world.

Expect action-packed gun battles, impossible ransom demands, bear chases, and high adventure!

It’s your regular post-apocalyptic fiction, right?
To be honest, I’ve struggled with this question. It’s a post-apocalyptic novel, which technically makes it science fiction. However, I’ve used the setting as a springboard to create a wild west type setting within the woods of northern Minnesota.

Ultimately I decided to call it a sci-fi adventure, and when you read it I think you’ll agree.

You’ve definitely piqued our interest. What other readers does it appeal to?
It appeals to all kinds of readers. All of my friends, mostly 20-somethings, have enjoyed it. Likewise, my dad and his book club are currently reading it, and he tells me that they’re raving about how entertaining it is.

So, I think it has a very wide appeal, especially if you’re looking for adventure!

Tell us something about the characters caught up in this adventure.
The character on the cover is John Osborne, a mysterious stranger who wanders into town one day. He mostly keeps to himself and his motives are unclear, but readers will quickly discover that he has a good heart underneath his gruff exterior.

Besides John, we have Nathan and Emiko Kanno, two orphaned children living in the village of Frontier View. They get along about as well as you’d expect two teenage siblings to get along, and life has been especially difficult for Nathan, the older of the two, since their father passed away.

Finally, there is Aristotle, the enigmatic young gunslinger who serves as an idealistic foil to the cynical John Osborne. To be honest, her appearance in this first episode is more brief than I would’ve liked, but she’s an important character and you’ll certainly be seeing more of her soon!

This is only part one, so I hope my reader feels compelled to get their hands on part two as soon as possible.

I’m currently working on the sequel, which will take our cast of characters first to Duluth, the capital of the Republic of Minnesota, and then to Mallard Island.

I also have a prequel in the works, which will better explain just how the world came to be in its current state.

Complete this sentence for us: if you like _________________, you’ll love my book.

(Yes, I know Firefly is a TV show and not a book, but I feel that I use many of the same themes that Joss Whedon used in his classic

Have you written any other books that we should read next?
I recently released a short story collection entitled “Bullies.” It’s very different from the Northland Chronicles, but perhaps it will help tide you over as you await the sequel.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Growing up, I was a quiet kid living in a small town in the state of Wisconsin. Now I’m a world traveler, currently living and working as a freelancer in Taiwan.

Had you told me in high school that as an adult I’d be venturing around the world, much less living outside of the USA, I probably would’ve laughed (quietly, of course). I’m certainly a lot further away from home than I ever would’ve imagined when I was younger.

Living abroad isn’t always easy, but it’s always an adventure!

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?
Of course! Come see what I’m up to at

How can we follow you on Twitter and/or Facebook?
Twitter: @simplyunbound

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