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Interview with ML Dunn, author of The Transylvania Connection

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Tom Flynn is handsome, brave and reckless. That’s why he died young. He acts before he thinks too often so its a good thing he’s got Chief Inspector Meriwether looking out for him as well as beautiful Rebecca.

We know all about Tom Flynn from The Transylvania Flying Squad of Detectives, about which we interviewed you.
The Transylvania Connection is the sequel to The Transylvania Flying Squad of Detectives. While the first book introduced the reader to Purgatory and was a police procedural in a fantasy setting, this second book is more like a spy novel where there is intrigue and confusion and many events are different than they at first appear. I reveal as much as I can as I go along, but there is big surprise at the ending. I don’t like stories like Sherlock Holmes where everything is unknown until the end and then it’s all explained. I worked hard to introduce a mystery or question, but before too long the reader understands what really happened and why, but then another mystery is introduced. The sharp reader will spot the twist coming if they read very closesly, but anyone, arriving at the end of the book will go “Oh I should have seen that coming because a few pages back he told us….”  I think I’ve come up with a spectacular ending, with a ticking clock element and lots of tension.

What has the reaction been to the series so far?
I sold,  gave away, or lent over 35,000 copies of The Transylvania Flying Squad of Detectives and the reviews have been excellent. I have Indie Author Land to thank for that as it’s one of the few places for self-published authors to talk about their book. If only I could reach more readers I might have sold a million copies. There really is no age group or type of reader this book should not appeal to. It’s got lots of humor to go along with thrills and mystery and nothing offensive to anybody. I hope those 35,000 people will come back for more, especially since this book does not spend time explaining the concept of Purgatory.

So it’s even faster paced?
This second books does not lack for thrills and plot-twists. I think anyone reading this will be so surprised at some of the twists, and I think the last 10 pages are so full of tension and great dialogue as the villain has one last trick up his sleeve. I love the things he says in these last pages as he taunts Tom and Inspector Meriwether.

By the way, we enjoyed the interaction between Tom and Rebecca in the first book. How are things between them?
Tom and Rebecca are married in the second book.

How would you like the reader to feel as they read the last word of your book?
Wanting more. And I hint at the next mystery’s beginning just like I did with The Transylvania Flying Squad of Detectives. Also that they had a lot of fun and laughs without feeling like they’ve read anything trashy.  I think there is some great detective work here. These are books you could buy for your children or teenagers or your parents even.

So there’ll be a third book?
I hope to have the third book in the series out by next Halloween. These books really make for great Halloween reading. They have thrills and chills, but still its PG rated.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Just a regular guy with way too much imagination.

Any last words before we wrap up this interview?
I just want to ask that anyone that does pick up a free copy when I do the free thing at Amazon that they leave a review. I gave away over 20,000 copies, but I got so few reviews back at Amazon, although I did get some others at Goodreads and some others places.

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