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Interview with Kathryn Dionne, author of The Eleventh Hour trilogy


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Have you ever had a dream seem so real that when you woke up you weren’t sure whether it was a nightmare or a terrifying premonition of things to come?

The books are about archaeologist, Sophia Conrad, who uncovers a scroll thought to be the personal diary of Jesus.  The scroll forewarns her of a cataclysmic event that will destroy mankind unless she can stop it. When she unrolls the scroll a little further, she discovers a small swatch of fabric tucked inside.  Based on the translation it says; ‘…and from these fibers shall emerge the next immaculate conceptions.’

This propels her and her husband, a geneticist, into a life of science, secrecy and government conspiracy.

Oh wow. We like where this seems to be going.
What genre is this?
I consider The Eleventh Hour trilogy  an action/adventure thriller with a bit of the supernatural thrown in.

If you like Indiana Jones meets Dan Brown meets Richard Bach, you’ll love my books.

Tell us about Sophia.
Sophia Conrad is an “intuitive archaeologist” and a former Remote Viewer for the US government. 

She’s feisty and outspoken.  On the outside she’s a pillar of confidence, but inside she questions her judgement and her sanity. She is conflicted and tormented because she’s hidden some monumental secrets from her only son. But her drive to carry out a divine mission to save mankind,  bestowed upon her by God, forces her to put aside her motherly instincts and become the warrior she was meant to be.

That makes it sound like she doesn’t love her son.
Though her love of family is strong, her love for humanity is stronger.

Fair enough. What kind of readers will it appeal to?
I’m hoping it will appeal to all kinds of readers.  I’ve been told that it is suitable for young adults as well as adults and is a fast paced thrill ride for those who want an adventure.  But also, it’s a book with a good message. I even had one reader say that “her soul felt better after reading these books.”

We still can’t get over how ingenious the premise is. How did you come up with it?
Have you ever had a dream seem so real that when you woke up you weren’t sure whether it was a nightmare or a terrifying premonition of things to come?

The Eleventh Hour Trilogy is based on a horrifying end-of-the-world dream I had over fifteen years ago that still haunts me today. It scared me so badly that I cried for weeks.  Even to this day I remember it as clearly as if I had the dream/vision last night.

So will it leave readers feeling terrified too?
I want my readers to feel a renewed sense of global hope.  I want them to realize that what they say and do truly does effect others. I want them to know that they have the power to move mountains or destroy them.  The choice is theirs.  I also want them to feel like the time spent reading my books was fulfilling and time well-spent.

Have you written any other books that we should read next?
Because this trilogy was so intense for me, I needed to write something completely opposite of The Eleventh Hour in order for my brain to decompress. So I wrote a children’s book called, Derek The Fireless Dragon.  It’s a book of humorous and hopefully touching poems for children ages six to ten.

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?
Not yet, but I’m working on it.

What about Facebook?

What’s next?
I am currently working on a sequel to The Eleventh Hour.  It will have a lot of the same characters but will include a new heroine named, Charlene (Charlie) Deveroe, a Brooklyn detective.  I can’t tell you what it is about because it would give away the ending of The Eleventh Hour trilogy.  But it will have action, adventure, suspense and a bit of the supernatural.

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