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Interview with John Dusenberry, Zack Keller & Ben Tuller, authors of Meet Me At The Falls


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“If the world ever ends and we become separated, I want you to meet me at the Falls.”

Thinking their father was joking, the Murphy family laughed the idea off that night at dinner. Little did they know, a devastating event would soon topple civilization. But the end was only the beginning of the family’s problems.

Now, a mysterious light blazes in the sky dropping metallic pods deep underground. Armed militias roam broken streets for remaining
resources, killing anyone who opposes their order. Mankind turns into the monsters they’ve always feared. Desperately struggling to
survive as society unravels into chaos, the Murphy family must find a way back to one another. Their only hope is to do what their father told them that night at dinner:


What genre is it?
Post-Apocalyptic / Science-Fiction.

What kind of readers will it appeal to?
As this a serial, those who enjoy ongoing dramatic stories like “Breaking Bad” or “Wool” with realistic characters in incredible situations, unexpected twists and cliffhangers then you’re going to love “Meet Me At The Falls.”

It’s a great premise, how did you guys come up with it?
Some time ago, we overheard a family discussing a peculiar topic:

Where should we meet if the world ends?

From this simple question, we three authors, John Dusenberry, Zack Keller and Ben Tuller, challenged ourselves to actually find out what happens to this family by writing an ongoing story of survival. Initially, we decided there would be three different stories, but there was a catch.

Each author would write one character’s story, but we wouldn’t tell each other what was going to happen.

That was it.

There was no discussion of how or why the world had ended, who these characters were, where they came from, or what they were going to do. We just gave ourselves the prompt, sharpened our pencils and said, “Go.”

What came of this structure was an incredibly original and diverse tale told by the voices of three separate authors, then honed into one. Twists and turns were never planned, nor did we hold discussions of which characters should live or die. It felt, to each of us, like we were lost in the wilderness just like the Murphy family (our protagonists). Since we did not outline the overall story (though we do know the ending), what happens next is just as much a mystery to the three of us as it will be to the reader.

That’s amazing. Tell us about the family you dreamed up.
There are four stories following different members of the Murphy family in “Meet Me At The Falls”. Alan Murphy, the father, a man who will stop at nothing to get to his family even if it means killing everyone in his path. Charlotte, the mother, who searches for humanity in the horror that is the post-apocalyptic society. Edwin & Tricia, teenage brother and sister, who are forced to grow up fast in a world without innocence. And, finally, Wiley, the youngest, just a boy lost in the woods. All they want is to find each other again.

Has any of you written any other books that we should read next?
Zack Keller, one of the three authors of “Meet Me At The Falls”, has also written the award-winning novel “The Success of Suexliegh” and several short stories which are available on Amazon.

Tell us about yourselves.
Though our careers began in the film and animation industries, we always wrote stories and novels in our spare time. This is our first of many collaborations as we’ve recently formed an independent self-publishing brand known as Pen, Pint & Pyre Publishing.

Cool. Has it got a website?

Have you got personal sites?

How can we follow you on Twitter and/or Facebook?

What’s next?
Part 2 of the 5-Part “Meet Me At The Falls” series arrives this winter.

Zack’s second novel, “Penwell” , is due out later this fall as is “Wonderful World of Zombies” by John Dusenberry and “Safari!” by Ben Tuller.

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