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Interview with Shahla Khan, author of I Want Back My SPARKLE


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The central theme of SPARKLE is built around my idea of ‘living life to the fullest’ and I am glad that I SPARKLE.

I Want Back MY SPARKLE is a breath of fresh air! I say that with all the modesty that I possibly can; not just because I am the author but because of the concept of SPARKLE.

The concept?
SPARKLE stands for:
Status of respect
Power of Speech
Access to Freedom
Right to Happiness
Kowledge and Wisdom
Love, not Lust and
Existence as an Equal.

Tell us more.
Never before in the history of any self help or gender victim guidebook has given a visual concept to a woman’s well being and necessity. The three main crimes under which the blurring SPARKLE has been discussed are rape, domestic violence and stalking.

The book is nonfiction, based on research and true incidents.

Since women are the more victimized of the two genders, it is very obvious that the book will appeal to female readers. But if men want to finally find the answer to the question “what is it that a woman wants?”, they can find it in here: SPARKLE.

What qualifies you to write this book?
As an author and a woman, born in Saudi Arabia, lived in India, Europe and UK, I have been with men and women of different backgrounds. And just the mere difference in their perception drives me crazy.

I have lived in India for almost 8 years, yet every time I visit my parents, I take a while to absorb the culture shock. The main theme of SPARKLE is universal though and is needed by women in Antarctica and Zimbabwe.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
If you would ask me to reply to that in one word, I’d say “unconventional”.  I was born in a country where no women are allowed to step outside on their own, studied in another country where rape cases occur every few seconds and lived in the lap of the Swiss Alps, weaving romantic dreams. I have seen dominance, beauty, fear, separation, freedom, restrictions and much more which all come across in my writing.

I am currently a PhD student in Cardiff, have been a Lecturer professionally until last year, published writer and author this year and a mad lover of my little brother who is 7.

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?

And social media?
As Shahla Khan, Cardiff on FB and also on the page I WANT BACK MY SPARKLE.

What’s next?
My next book is surprisingly a work of fiction. It is satirical humor based on old traditions which are as good as new. The title is Morning After (my big, fat, Indian wedding).

You write fiction?  How easily do new storylines come to you? If we give you four random words – Man, Woman, Airport, Darkness – can you give us a brief storyline?
I’d love to!

Divorced woman, Sandra is late for her the flight of her life to San Fransisco. Soaking wet with New York’s pouring rain, she reaches the airport and barely makes it onto the flight.The man sitting next to her is weird. There is something weird about his eyes; they are deep, intense and focused. Sandra’s wet dress and her chattering teeth are a major distraction. In a matter of seconds, he pulls his jacket forward to find a napkin for Sandra, she notices the reason for his weirdness: a gun. She knows he is a hijacker who has now placed his hands on her lips and is pressing her down with all his weight. In the darkness of the takeoff position, when everyone is tied to their seats with the belts, Sandra is lost deep in the eyes of a strange man who was here to kill her but was just giving her a napkin to wipe her face…

Life is messy as hell and really funny sometimes. The man had practiced this in his mind several times. The takeoff, the announcement of hijacking, the killing of innocent passengers, the taking over of the aircraft and following orders of his boss. But in the flash of a second it got washed away and now all he can think of is a strange woman next to him in a soaking wet, thin piece of fabric, carrying the lost love sadness in her eyes and not defending herself even for a second from the strong arms of this man capturing her to her entirety.

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