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Interview with Tiffany Haisten, author of Red Is The Color Of…


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Red is the Color of…is about a young girl learning to accept that the thing that makes her different, her red hair, makesbher BEAUTIFULLY special. Through a conversation with her mother, Tiffany learns what else RED is the color of.

This story teaches how a parent can re-build self esteem after bullying through positive talk; which enables the child to heal and rejoice in the things that make them different.

What age children are we talking about here?
This book will appeal to children (ages 6 and up) and adults – because we all need to know that we are special.

That’s so true.
Tell us about Tiffany and her mother.
Tiffany is elementary school age and after being teased about her red hair, at school, Tiffany thinks she is weird! All she wants is to look like everybody else.

Mother is so wise and knows that Tiffany needs to learn that she isn’t weird for looking different; those differences make her beautiful. Mother teaches Tiffany how to love herself just as she is through a sweet conversation.

Is the mother based on you? Is this based on talks you’ve had to have with your daughter?
This book is based on real life conversations that I had with my own mother. Growing up, all I wanted to be was like everybody else; I hated that my hair made me different. As I matured, I began to appreciate my uniqueness all because my mother lovingly taught me how to embrace myself.

We hear your dad plays a role in this story too.
I began the steps towards publication because it was the last request of my father. I had read him this story one Christmas, and after it he said, “Promise me that some day you will have one of your stories published.” Three weeks later he passed away from a massive stroke, I never got to say goodbye. So having this story published is my way of saying “I love you Daddy…and I will always remember.”

We’re really sorry for your loss.
Tell us about your life now
I am a former elementary school teacher and mother. I wrote the book so that my own students could learn the same lesson I did so long ago – we are all different and we are all beautifully special. This lesson helped my students learn to accept themselves and their classmates, which reduced some of the “bullying” in my classroom.

Where can we find you online?

What’s next?
I have a few other small stories that I hope to someday have published…most but not all pertain to things that have happened in my life.

How easily do new storylines come to you? If we give you four random words – Man, Woman, Airport, Darkness – can you give us a brief storyline?
They had only turned away for a minute, but in that minute their daughter had vanished! Frantically, these two desperate parents ran through the fluorescent airport hallway – screaming her name. They suddenly stopped at a darkened door, there at the threshold lay their daughter’s teddy. They stepped inside, eyes adjusting to the darkness, when they saw a twinkling…and their daughter smiling holding something they never dreamed existed…

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