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Why you must read Glen Thomas Hierlmeier’s Honor & Innocence


Honor and Innocence: Against the Tides of War takes the reader through the devastation left by World War II across the European and Asian continents following its main character Hank Fischer, who was drafted to the American Army in 1945 shortly after his high school graduation.

During his service, Hank befriends a German prisoner-of-war, Max, who tells Hank of his twin sister, Roberta, also in captivity. An unlikely romance buds between her and Hank, leaving Hank conflicted between his allegiance to the American Army and his love for Roberta. Hank decides to break out Max and Roberta, and together they make a desperate flight through war-torn Germany where they witness first-hand the destruction post-war Europe has endured. Leaving Max behind in Switzerland, they make their way to the port city of Trieste, where they board a ship and depart to the seas, dealing with pirates, facing adversity, making new friends, and desperately seeking a safe refuge in a place where their love can flourish.

So this is a war story and a love story? What journeys do we go on?
Follow Hank and Roberta on their intense and captivating journey from country to country as they seek refuge. Read as they make their way through bombed-out cities, giving a rare glimpse into the tragic consequences of war, as they remain together bound by love.

If you like historical fiction that reveals history in a way you will not find in history texts, and serious romance that overcomes all obstacles; if you love to fall in love with characters, if you like intrigue and adventure, and you want a book that you will not want to put down until you finish it, you’ll love my book.

Many will call Hank a traitor. Does love make it right? What kind of man is he?
Hank is an American soldier drafted near the end of WW2 who is a naïve farm boy from southern Wisconsin, not yet wise to the world. He learns quickly that the world is full of dangerous people.

In the midst of the post-war turmoil, Hank meets Max’s sister, Roberta, and they fall in love. Unwelcome in Germany, as their father is a high ranking Nazi official, Hank, Roberta, and Max are forced to flee Germany to find a safe haven. Roberta proves to be a faithful and capable partner and together they seek peace in a world in turmoil.

Apparently the story doesn’t end here.
I have begun a second book in what will be a series, possibly titled Honor and Innocence: Lazlo’s Revenge. It is based on the character from the first book who aids Hank and Roberta to escape Germany through Switzerland and on to Greece and Singapore. Lazlo Floznik is a Hungarian refugee who himself escaped the Nazi regime and found refuge in Switzerland. The book will tell the story of how Lazlo escapes the Nazis in Hungary and how he manages to help thousands of people escape war-ravaged Europe.

A third book will follow, based on the life of the merchant ship Captain, Nikolas Kotsiomitis, aka Captain Koz, who sails the Indian Ocean and the seas between Italy and Japan before and after the war. Captain Koz is the Captain of the ship on which Hank and Roberta flee Europe, and is a self-described philosopher.

We hear you’ve got something of a personal connection with Hank.
Hank comes from my oldest brother who himself was drafted just before WW2 ended and served in Europe as part of the Occupation Forces. Our family are third generation Germans from Bavaria, which is the home ground of the characters, Max and Roberta. The theme that common people, particularly those with similar backgrounds, can get along and even love one another in a world dominated by the hubris of powerful men and governments, is central to the book, as well as the horror of war caste upon the common citizenry.

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