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Why you must read Ceren Zeynep Coteli’s The Fatal Attraction Between Us


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At a young age, Vera Mardella has a world of responsibility thrust upon her shoulders. As the oldest sister, she tries her hardest to work and study hard to take care of her family. In her final year of magical school, she prepares for an stressful yet uneventful year. Yet she never realises how wrong she is once she meets Scorpius. Gorgeously, mysterious Scorpius who knows far more about her family then she does and who will stop at almost nothing to bring her down and expose her family’s shocking secret. Yet in spite of himself, Scorpius is dismayed to find that he is falling irrevocably and irretrievably in love with his sworn enemy.

What genre is it?
Romantic steamy suspense with an dash of fantasy.

Steamy romance with suspense with fantasy? That’s quite a mix. Who’s it aimed at?
Anyone who loves an feisty stubborn headed and strong willed heroine who stands up for her beliefs and defends her loved ones with every core of her being.

Moreover, anyone who loves a strong, masculine and aloof love interest who is charming as he is coy yet who, unbeknown to most, hides his vulnerabilities beneath an hard, steely shell of aloofness.

Tell us more about them.
Feisty, at times hot-headed but intensely caring and loyal Vera Mardella never planned on falling for Scorpius. Devastatingly handsome and achingly mysterious Scorpius Delgado whom she buts heads with like an pair of stubborn mules whenever they engage in an heated confrontation about the past.

She knows there is something he isn’t telling her, hence the cryptic words and withering glares he never fails to dart her way. Yet when she stumbles onto the reason underlying his hostility, she is rendered speechless with disbelief and numb to the core.

Yet despite their differences and the prejudices between them, can they overcome the past and give way to the smouldering rays of passion that flare into an blazing inferno whenever they get into contact with each other? Or will the flames of the past grow too hot for them to handle and burn them whole?

This is part of a series, right?
This is the first book of an trilogy and I can’t wait to start writing the sequel soon!

Hurry up!
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am an 23 year old female who loves sipping chai lattes, hates Brussels sprouts with an intense passion, switches off any reality TV shows whenever any contestant’s life – cough – sob story – cough – comes on and wrinkles her nose at expensive designer clothes; give me vintage any day and I’m happy as an pig in mud! I love to read and write, follow book reviews quite religiously and can happily devour my weight in chocolate if I wasn’t afraid of developing diabetes in the near future!

What else is going on?
I’m currently completing a teaching degree and balancing both work and writing life! Hopefully I’ll have a sequel ready by early next year. Pray for me dear readers!

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