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Why you must read Therin Knite’s Echoes


Echoes is the first in a futuristic sci-fi series that follows the unfortunately named Adem Adamend, a young, emotionally immature, Sherlockian genius. After joining up with the Interdistrict Bureau of Intelligence in the hopes of one day finding his mother’s murderer, Adem is struggling to overcome the systematic age discrimination in the organization.

Then, one day, an upper-class lawyer named Victor Manson is found burned to death in his own back yard, with his property and home trashed by some unseen assailant. Adem quickly realizes the murder was committed by something…less than human.

And to make matters more complicated, a mysterious group called EDPA moves in and takes jurisdiction of the case from the IBI. But Adem, driven to find out the truth, starts investigating the case on his own and ends up being dragged into a wild ride of secrets, shootouts, and devastating revelations.

We already like the sound of this. Who else do you expect it to appeal to?
Anyone who enjoys 1) futuristic sci-fi, 2) murder mysteries, 3) lots of action, 4) sarcasm, and 5) a quick read.

Sarcasm? That’s something Adem’s got in spades, right?
Adem is a rather arrogant and sarcastic young man who spent much of his childhood recovering from the trauma of losing his mother. A genius all his life, he’s always struggled to fit in, and that pattern continues at the IBI, where most of his colleagues seek to use his abilities to help them do their jobs without giving him anything in return. Adem is perpetually bored, emotionally scarred, and frequently cynical.

Are there any parallels between you and Adem?
Not much. Perhaps the sarcasm.

You say this is the start of a series; have you written any other books?
Nope. Echoes is my debut novel.

I’m currently working on Epitaphs, the sequel to Echoes, as well as the first in a contemporary mystery/thriller series and a sci-fi novelette series.

We know that you can be sarcastic, but what else do we need to know about you?
I’m a senior in college, majoring in Finance and English and about to step into the big, scary real world for the first time. I’ve been writing seriously since age fifteen and finally built up enough courage (and skill) to publish my first book a few months ago.

Do you have a website where we can keep up with your work?
You can find me at

How can we follow you on Twitter and/or Facebook?
Twitter: @TherinKnite

How easily do new storylines come to you? If we give you four random words 
– Man, Woman, Mexico, Future – can you give us a brief storyline?
In the year 3650, humanity has reached a pinnacle of technological development. The upper classes of society no longer work, instead spending their lives in leisure. The lower classes depend on the patronage of their social superiors, who sponsor them to compete in intense competitions ranging from the arts to sporting events. The winners of these competitions are elevated in social status. The losers are forced into the worst “necessary” occupations left on the planet. If they survive at all.

Marla Beckett, a young woman who’s lived on the streets since she was a child, gets drafted into the most difficult competition in existence — War — after she accidentally kills a contest during a theft gone wrong.

Sent to Mexico City for training, Marla finds her fate rests in the hands of the man known only as Rex Lore, the heir to the company that set off the technological revolution of the early 2500s. And as Marla is drawn deeper into a world she can barely understand, she begins to realize that what she thought was an accident turned nightmare may be the conspiracy of the millennium.

With Marla at the heart of it all.

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