Posts Tagged 'A'

Why you must read Michael D Dennis’ A Native’s Tongue

A Native’s Tongue is about a young man trying to find his way in the world. He struggles to keep the woman he loves while entangled in the sex, drugs, and tragedy of Los Angeles. It was inspired by real

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Why you must read Michael D Dennis’ A Native’s Tongue

A Native’s Tongue is about a young man trying to find his way in the world. He struggles to keep the woman he loves while entangled in the sex, drugs, and tragedy of Los Angeles. It was inspired by real

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Why you must read Adam John Guy’s Novus Divide

Novus Divide is set in the near future in a city divided by vast wealth and extreme poverty. Jake Marshall is a man in his early thirties who’s pissed off at the world, but no longer cares enough to do

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Why you must read Adam John Guy’s Novus Divide

Novus Divide is set in the near future in a city divided by vast wealth and extreme poverty. Jake Marshall is a man in his early thirties who’s pissed off at the world, but no longer cares enough to do

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Why you must read Beverley Jones’ Dreamcatcher

Ellis Andrews wakes to a knock on the door in the middle of the night to find a policeman bearing bad news. Devastated to learn that his wife Rae has been killed in a car accident in the New England

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Why you must read Beverley Jones’ Dreamcatcher

Ellis Andrews wakes to a knock on the door in the middle of the night to find a policeman bearing bad news. Devastated to learn that his wife Rae has been killed in a car accident in the New England

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Why you must read Victoria Manning’s The Perfect Nightmare

“The Perfect Nightmare” is the story of a fierce battle between dark and light that has been going on for millennia. This is not the end of the battle, but only the onset of an epic shift in reality. Sounds

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Why you must read Victoria Manning’s The Perfect Nightmare

“The Perfect Nightmare” is the story of a fierce battle between dark and light that has been going on for millennia. This is not the end of the battle, but only the onset of an epic shift in reality. Sounds

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Why you must read Richard Schiver’s White Walker

When she was ten she made a promise to that which inhabits the winter storm. Now she’s twenty-six and pregnant, and the White Walker has returned to collect his due.

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Why you must read Richard Schiver’s White Walker

When she was ten she made a promise to that which inhabits the winter storm. Now she’s twenty-six and pregnant, and the White Walker has returned to collect his due.

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Why you must read CA Iverson’s Sisters of the Blood

Tess Edwards is an angry young woman. She is angry about her parents splitting up. Against her best friend Sammy Taylor’s advice, she attends a party with a group of teenagers with questionable character. At the party, drugs and alcohol

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Why you must read CA Iverson’s Sisters of the Blood

Tess Edwards is an angry young woman. She is angry about her parents splitting up. Against her best friend Sammy Taylor’s advice, she attends a party with a group of teenagers with questionable character. At the party, drugs and alcohol

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Why you must read Katie Epstein’s Lawless

Macey Jennings is an ex-demon hunter who now earns a living between running a demon nightclub, and a team who bounty hunts sought after non-humans. Between running a busy bar, hunting demon outlaws, and staying under the radar of the

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Why you must read Katie Epstein’s Lawless

Macey Jennings is an ex-demon hunter who now earns a living between running a demon nightclub, and a team who bounty hunts sought after non-humans. Between running a busy bar, hunting demon outlaws, and staying under the radar of the

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Why you must read Michael Karpovage’s Crown of Serpents

With the discovery of a campaign journal from an American Revolutionary War officer who fought against the Iroquois Indians, the U.S. Army calls in their top field historian to assess its contents. Jake Tununda, combat vet and half-Seneca Indian, is

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Why you must read Michael Karpovage’s Crown of Serpents

With the discovery of a campaign journal from an American Revolutionary War officer who fought against the Iroquois Indians, the U.S. Army calls in their top field historian to assess its contents. Jake Tununda, combat vet and half-Seneca Indian, is

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Why you must read Joy Penny’s A Love For The Pages

Kiss. Marry. Kill. Nineteen-year-old June Eyermann has always known exactly which of her favorite Byronic heroes goes where. She’d kiss moody and possessive Rochester from Jane Eyre and marry prideful but repentant Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, leaving obsessive and

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Why you must read Joy Penny’s A Love For The Pages

Kiss. Marry. Kill. Nineteen-year-old June Eyermann has always known exactly which of her favorite Byronic heroes goes where. She’d kiss moody and possessive Rochester from Jane Eyre and marry prideful but repentant Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, leaving obsessive and

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Why you must read Morgan Bell’s Sniggerless Boundulations

Sniggerless Bouldulations is my debut collection of short stories, a cross-section between dreams and reality. The collection is an examination of the horrors of life, in the form of vignettes, micro fiction, flash fiction, and short stories. Themes include fear,

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Why you must read Morgan Bell’s Sniggerless Boundulations

Sniggerless Bouldulations is my debut collection of short stories, a cross-section between dreams and reality. The collection is an examination of the horrors of life, in the form of vignettes, micro fiction, flash fiction, and short stories. Themes include fear,

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