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Why you must read Angela Snyder’s Vampire Next Door

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Vampire Next Door is a story about a woman who is discovered in the woods by a hunter. She is badly beaten and barely alive when the man discovers her. She is taken to the hospital where she remains in a coma and is ultimately named Jane Doe when no family comes to claim her. Jane is visited by a mysterious vampire in the hospital who gives her blood to heal. Moments later Jane awakes, and that’s when this story really takes off. Jane suffers love, loss, tragedy and so much more in this book. I don’t want to give away a lot of spoilers, but it’s an action-packed love story that will have you turning the page to see what happens next.

We’re intrigued. This isn’t a horror story, is it?
Vampire Next Door would fit into the genre of romantic suspense/paranormal romance.

This book would appeal to adult readers, male and female. The females, of course, love the vampire in the book, Sebastian Alexander. He is what you would call “book boyfriend” material. I have also had male readers post rave reviews. They enjoy the action and everything that the women like as well.

Book boyfriend, huh? Tell us about him – and about Jane Doe.
Jane Doe is a mysterious character. The reader is trying to figure her out at the same time that Jane is discovering herself after waking up from a coma with a case of amnesia. She is trying to make it through life one step at a time, but something or someone keeps holding her back. On the opposite end, you have Sebastian Alexander who loved Jane before her memory loss. He is desperately trying to win her back, but also trying to make sure that she is safe and provided for…even if that means in another man’s arms. He just wants her to be happy. He is a very complex character because he has such inner turmoil when it comes to his love for Jane and life in general because he is a vampire.

Have you written any other books that we should read next?
I have a novella published called The List. It’s a new adult romance centered on college life for Lauren Parker and her struggles. Lauren has a very troubled past, and the novella really focuses on what it’s like to be in her shoes. It’s a real tearjerker, and the moral of the story really is that life is worth living. You should never take it for granted.

Tell us about yourself.
I grew up in a small town in Southern Pennsylvania. I now live in an even smaller town in PA. I have a husband and a Golden Retriever and a wonderful supporting family as well as great friends. I love music and animals, and I absolutely love to write. My dream has always been to be a writer for as long as I can remember. Every time I finish a book, I feel like I’m fulfilling a lifelong dream.

Do you have a website?
Yes. I have a blog that I continually update with new projects and giveaways.

Do you do social media?
On Twitter, you can find me at  @AuthorAngelaS. I am also on Facebook:

What’s next?
Right now I am working on a new adult romance. After that is completed, I have several projects lined up including a young adult paranormal series and a psychic detective novel.

How easily do new storylines come to you? If we give you four random words – Man, Woman, Mexico, Future – can you give us a brief storyline?
Storylines come very easily to me. I will use your four words – man, woman, Mexico, future, and let’s see what I can come up with.

There’s a man in his forties living in Mexico. He’s recently divorced and down on his luck. One night during a terrible thunderstorm, a woman arrives at his doorstep. She claims she is from the future and needs to seek shelter. Little does the man know, she is telling the truth, and the people searching for her are only a few steps behind.

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  1. Thank you very much for posting my interview!

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